Guide to Sluices
By jcheung
What is a sluice?
Sluices allow for the one-way discharge of fluid with automatic conditions.
What does Close above downstream depth mean?
The sluice will read the tile where it puts out water.
If the level is below the level set, the sluice will open. Otherwise, it will close.
But why?
If you have an irrigation area that is a dead end (no route off the end of the map), this can automate the water into an area without flooding the whole place.
Without it, you need either a fluid dump or two mechanical pumps and a bunch of trickery.
If it’s drought, you can use this to automatically replenish a lower reservoir from one upstream without leaking all the water through the dams.
What does Close above contamination mean?
The sluice will read the water passing through it, and if it measures contamination exceeding the threshold, it will close.
What does Close below contamination mean?
The sluice will read the water passing through it, and if it measures contamination below the threshold, it will close. Note that it will not close if the threshold is EQUAL TO the measured amount, such as if it’s 0% contaminated and you want to keep the clean water.
But what if i don’t want my fresh clean water to overflow? I want power!
Well then, I have some news for you. You can put dams or sluices above other dams or sluices. This allows for the sluices to take over in drought and top off the lower reservoir, while allowing the dams/sluices above to let the full stream to pass.
I heard I can automatically filter water!
Yes. If you have sluices set to allow clean water to flow, and then a second set to allow badwater to flow, you can automatically split the flow. With default settings, some amount of bad will leak into clean, but it’s okay. Small amounts (under 5%) will not harm your beavers!
That said, you can change to “close above 0%” for clean and “close below 1%” for dirty to reduce the contamination.
But there’s more buttons! What do they do?!
The gear is automatic. It will consider the conditions presented and open and close itself automatically. It may be slow to respond, but it will respond.
The water droplet is open. It will ignore settings and just be open forever, until the end of time.
The water droplet outline with a line through it is closed. It will behave like a levee.
I don’t want to put my sluice at the bottom. What can i do?!
Good news. You don’t have to. they read all the way down to the base of the wall they’re at, so you don’t have to worry about that. Downstream depth is gathered at the blue box when you select the sluice.
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