Timberborn – Waterfalls Hard Iron Teeth Guide

In this guide I’ll be holding your hand through the first drought so you can get a basic understanding of how to start, and offering more general suggestions on how to continue to survive on this beginner map.

Guide to Waterfalls Hard Iron Teeth

  • As soon as you start, hit pause.
  • Pretty much every time you build you will want to be paused, as it allows you to more easily correct your mistakes before they are built and also not waste hours.
  • Up your district center to 4 workers but move the priority down to -1, so needed workers come from the district center.
  • Up your working hours to 19.
  • Mark all trees for cutting and place the following buildings.
  • Three LJ flags, one gatherer flag, a farmhouse, and a water pump.
  • Unpause until those buildings are built, and designate a decent area to kohlrabie growth.
  • I designated this

Once the farmhouse is completed build two inventors anywhere you wish, and that should be the end of your first day.

  • For day two you will want to focus on science and planks to get across the river and build a forester.
  • Pause the gatherer flag, as it is full by now and build two breeding pods first though, as new beavers are important.
  • Once the farmers have finished planting pause the farmhouse until the kohlrabies are ready to harvest.
  • Set the farmhouse to harvest priority so they dont waste time planting crops that will die .
  • At the end of day two your colony should look something like this.

These initial days are limited by your builder speed, but have a blueprint for a kohlrabie warehouse and a water storage down by day three.

  • Remove one worker from the lumber mill, the speed of planks is less important than the build speed.
  • You will now need to demolish the right side barrier to get more irrigation.
  • Try to delete as few trees as possible and make full use of the builder 10 block range.
  • Build a forester on day four, unless you have a drought warning.
  • If you do have a drought warning, immediately build a second pump and as many water storages as you are able to before the drought hits.
  • Have your beavers work the full 24 hours the day before the drought.

Have the forester plant oaks in the back and pines in the front, and build another pump and more water storage.

  • This should be done before the end of day four.
  • Your first kohlrabies should finish growing overnight, so unpause your farmhouse and start harvesting.
  • Pause both inventors to free up more workers.
  • Unpause the gatherer flag as well.
  • I got lucky and got the longest possible wet season, 8 days, but you should be fine even if its only 5.
  • Make sure to pause your gatherer flag when it is full.
  • Once the drought hits pause the lumber mill and water pumps.
  • If you need more food just harvest more berries for food, you will be able to research stairs and get across the river during the next wet season.
  • From there its not that difficult, research the water dump and levees to get more useful irrigation.
  • Place a floodgate in the right side channel to prevent badwater from entering it and also keep it irrigated during droughts.

Place your first water dump here for maximum utilization.

And build the dam here, which only uses 5 dams instead of the expected nine.

That is pretty much all you need to survive the hardest difficulty on waterfalls!

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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