Tiny Glade – Building Tips & Tricks

Helpful Tips to Building

Small Windows

  • Place 2 houses but one place.
  • Make the houses different heights.
  • Place windows in the house that is higher. A house with windows must be inside another house.


You can add little chimneys on buildings by placing a thin wall block inside of a building and then making it taller.

Old Walls with Wooden Beams

  • Place 2 same size houses.
  • Change one of them to bricks by Colouring Tool (it will be the smaller one later for texture).
  • Add windows to the other house (This one will be the main building).
  • Overlap them and adjust brick one as you like.

Wooden Staircase

What kind of mouse you have in your hand? It is very important.

Wooden ladder

  • Put the lamps in a row.
  • Raise a mountain.
  • Rejoice.

Lanterns on Balconies

Heres where you can place lanterns to get them to show up on the edges of a balcony or flat roof exterior. There is only about a pixel size spot to place them so its a little tough but i think it looks so cool.

Small Flower Garden

You draw a line of flowers then erase them till the rocks are gone, then draw further away a nother line of flowers, and get closer to the first.

They will auto connect with small flowers at some point and then erase all the rocks again. You really REALLY need to take your time here because if you dont erase all the rocks they will come back.

Wooden Floor

How to make a wooden floor in the interior:

  • Place a platform of minimum height.
  • Draw paths under the platform.
  • Place wooden arches slightly higher than the platform.
  • Make furniture from wooden arches.
  • Place the house on top of the interior.

Terrain Bricked Walls

Utilising the water tool to create sharp divides through taller rock faces, you can place paths onto of the cliff side to create this brick effect which looks really cool!

Wooden Market Stand

Wooden market stand with flags and clutter. The making process is long and tidies but it looks good. You start by creating the stand using fences as seen in the picture. This part is pretty straight forward (you could even create some roofing bi folding fences but that is even more tidies work). Then you put flags on each side as seen in the picture. Here you will need to play around with the flags so the right ends connect. Finally you add trapdoors underneath to generate clutter and cover the doors with another building floor. I also added lanterns on each side of a stand.

Ruined Foundation Fences

For anyone building ruins / abandoned buildings, this is a way to make the fences on foundations / balconies look broken down with gaps. Works the same way for circles and squares.


  • Make a fence (I like to make mine double).
  • Make a double wall and shape it like pic 2.
  • Move the wall to the fence.
  • Get two little fences like in the pic 4.
  • Move it all together and shape it as you want.
  • You are now finished. You can paint it and make a cool background.

More bench ideas: final product, and taken apart.

Shapable Wall

Cutting a round building allows you to shape it how you want.

Removing Support Beams

You can remove support beams by incrementally placing short portions of wall on other short portions of wall. Incredibly finicky, but I’d assume it’s effective for as much length as you have the patience for.

New Brush Style for Stone Walls

This might just be the best little tip I’ve ever discovered in this game after about 5 hours of playtime. What you want to do is hold Ctrl with the stone wall tool and quickly make circles and scribbles close together. Amazingly, it doesn’t glitch out and instead makes a really cool brick wall. Now, erasing some of the wall can give it some great texture and shape. Snipping and resizing random parts for some nice height variation and Bob’s your uncle.

Lamp Post Tip

Transform ordinary lamps into captivating pieces by hanging them from trees and dead trees. These cool hanging lamps will add a touch of charm to any pond or garden.

Straight Walls

Just click and hold, draw a small little line, then move you camera to the destination without moving your cursor and then move your mouse.

Half Circle Stairs

I basically used towers, wall eraser tool and cutting tool, then tweaked the heights. I found that cutting every 3 dots on the 3rd dot makes the steps more even.

Dilapidated Ruin

  • Place 2 cylinders on top of each other concentrically.
  • Make sure they have the same radius.
  • Move the top cylinder out of the way.
  • Erase part of the bottom cylinder wall to create a ruined wall.
  • Make a cut along the wall and lower a part of the wall to add to the decay.
  • Place the cylinder you moved away back on top.

Now you have a ruined tower!

Glow Lights Inside and Around Buildings

Making glow lights inside and around buildings with hidden lamps! Not sure if this is common knowledge, but you can light a building interior by putting lamps on top of a building. You can also stack the buildings. Adds light effects to interiors and glows on exterior walls without lamps showing. Also turns crenelations into instant, small, evenly spaced ‘windows’.

Round Top Tombstones

Very handy for spooky season!

  • Create a short wall.
  • Draw a path through the wall to make an arch.
  • In the color selection, pick the option on the far right top to make the top of the arch straight.
  • Pull down the wall to leave only the round arch.
  • Make individual 1 brick walls and fill up the empty arch (this can be a bit finicky, but sometimes turning the wall pieces can help).

Floating Pancake with Round Bottom

  • First make a normal floating pancake with 2 cilinders.
  • Make the second one just a little bit higher so you can “hang” a 3th cilinder on there… but hang it so it doenst have the pillars.
  • Move the hanging to the middle of the pancake.
  • Make the tower bigger so it covers the pancake and it should have a nice rounded bottom.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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