Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip – Achievements Guide and Tips

Useful Tips

  • Get the Junk Detector Hat as soon as you can. It’s only 1k bucks at the junk store. You might not be able to get all the trash right away, but if the alarm goes off and you can’t find it, ride down anyway. That way you’ll know where to go back later.
  • When you see items in a circle, dig in the middle.
  • Use the elevators in Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip. They lead to shortcuts.
  • Jump and then swing your pipe in the air to jump a bit higher.
  • On the map, hover over a person or place to see a box in the top right. It shows if you already got the reward there.
  • When fighting Ricky, hold down the turbo button when using turbo. I failed a lot because I just clicked it instead of holding it down.

How to Get All Achievements

You Got a Job!

And you will never do it! Story-related.


Call Grony! Open your inventory, find the phone, and call Grony (Phone number: 1) to unlock this.


Can be found in many places. The shovel and pipe spawn nearby until you pick them up. Use the shovel to dig up items.


Hit someone with a pipe. While you’re at it, hit a bunch more people.

Celebrated the Anarchy

Hit a concerning amount of people with a pipe. I think it only works with the pipe, not the wrench.


Run into a cactus and go into financial ruin. Most of us unlock this by accident.

Turbo Time!

Upgrade your car for the first time in the garage for 150 Turbo Trash.

Tiny Terry’s Turbo Taxi

Upgrade your car 5 times. Go for 7 upgrades to teleport to parking spots. Each upgrade costs 150 Turbo Trash. After this, save Turbo Trash because there’s an achievement for having 450 in your inventory. No need to keep upgrading after upgrade 7.

Junk Enthusiast

Collect 50 Turbo Junk. They’re all over the map and rewarded for completing some to-do items.

Junk Hunter

Collect 450 Turbo Junk. This achievement can be missable. Buy the item in the Junk Store that makes finding Turbo Junk easier. It costs 1,000 bucks. Get it early on because there’s an achievement to find every single Turbo Junk.

Hat Enthusiast

Buy a hat. There are multiple hat stores in town. The map shows if you bought all their stock or not.

Hat Collector

Collect a bunch of hats. Buy the ones you like and the cheap ones. Buy junk store items before buying hats.

Big Spender

Spend a lot of money. You’ll get this before finishing the game with how much you spend in the Junk Store, Hat store, and for a specific quest.

That’s a Wrap on the Mayor

Find the major under the large tower. The game tells you with this achievement that this was his whole role and now he’s gone.

Home Sweet Home

Go home and sit on the couch.

Fish Fries

Go to your room to feed your fish Beach Fries.

Insect Enthusiast

Buy the net and catch a bug. Catch multiple insects for another achievement.

Insect Ambassador

Carry 6 different insect types in your pocket for no reason. There are 9 different bugs total.

Crab Enthusiast

At the restaurant on the beach, use the binoculars outside to watch the crabs, then go to them to take the money.

Citrus Kicker

Play soccer with the kids at school. Score 5 goals in one game. The orange is unpredictable and the kids are good at defending. Practice to get the hang of it.

Outer Peace

Join the yoga instructor at the top of the hotel. Not sure how high the combo must be for this achievement, but probably 15 like the to-do item says. This unlocked for me after quitting the mini-game.

Suck at Flirting

Keep talking with Spepely in the job application center. It won’t go well but you’ll get this achievement for it.

Must. Catch. Them. All.

Catch one of the 7 blueprints with your net and bring it to the pet store. The walkthrough above shows the blueprint locations.

Weird Dog

After catching at least one blueprint and bringing it to the Pet Store, equip your first Gummy Pup from your inventory.

Model Citizen

After finishing the criminal to-do list item, go back to the Town Hall and help the government by spending 1,000 money. Buy all the junk store items first before doing this quest/achievement.

Raging Ricky

After your first bumper car event, find Ricky in town (Dakraderf, Katsklep, or Sky Plaza). He will instantly challenge you to a new bumper car battle. No cooldown after finishing. Keep doing this mini-game until you win and until Ricky says he’s out of Turbo Trash and will play for money instead.

Bumper Carts is My Passion

Defeat Ricky in a bumper car battle. Hold down the turbo button, not just press it. Hit Ricky on the side or back of the car with a turbo, 3 times before he hits you 3 times. Keep playing even after winning until Ricky runs out of Turbo Trash.

Mushroom Chime Mushroom Chime

Go to the Stone Mushroom area on the map to unlock this.

Inner Peace

Find all 4 wind chimes and bring them to the Stone Mushroom. They’re challenging to find, mostly heard and only seen when directly under them. The walkthrough above has the locations. This quest also unlocks 3 Turbo Trash cans you couldn’t reach before. Follow the wind to specific areas and hop on with your glider to get to them. Start your glide from the Buitenrot area on top of the beach house restaurant, the Hotel parking lot, and the top of the Katsklep area.


100% the game. This is challenging, requiring you to find every Turbo Trash. The helmet tells you when you’re close to unlocked Turbo Trash. Check the map icons to see if the top right corner of every location is ticked off. Battle Ricky until he’s out of Turbo Trash. Follow the wind flows after finishing the mushroom quest.


This is the last thing you’ll do. It can be done after just 7 upgrades, but the game warns you to think about it and finish everything else first. Only go forward through the ending after finishing everything else.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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