Quick Guide to Heavy Troopers (HT)
There two main conditions players have to meet before unlocking the ability to use heavy troopers, the player needs to reach level 60 and their server has to experience either terra aurora or EL events.
In order to obtain any of the HT you will need to obtain at least the main 4 parts of its 9 parts. Otherwise your HT cannot be used in battles. The main parts of each HT can be obtained via different methods, which will be mentioned under each HT section. After unlocking the main parts your HT will gain extra abilities by each part added to it until 9 are obtained. The last 4-5 parts of each HT can be obtained via HT module chests either randomly or by choice depending on the chest used.
The Earthshaker HT (Yellow)
This HT can be unlocked from completing radar missions and obtaining the 5 parts available under the global intelligence tab, the remaining 4 parts are obtained from HT chests.
Earthshaker defensive abilities are good choice for those with unbalanced or offensive marches. The HT offers a shield to both slots next to it (left and right), this can be utilized to add extra protection to a certain row of the march which is most important (depending on the hero).
It is strongly recommended that this HT be used with the hero Maximo march and in the second row. Maximo march is very strong in attack yet might be vulnerable depending on the heroes paired. Thus, using the defensive HT makes sense in order to give more sustainability and durability to the march especially the second row in which is the most important row. Another option with Maximo march is to place the HT on stack number 6 in order to hit the first unit of the opponent march, as well as to give Maximo the opportunity to trigger at stacks 4 & 5 consecutively, so this is another option. Placing the HT on any other slot than 5 or 6 is strongly unrecommended.
This HT can also be used for Army in case it is not needed for Air Force. The best option is to use it with the hero Polik march. Polik’s ability is totally dependent on the first row in order to do maximum damage. For this reason protecting the first row with earthskaker’s immunity shields would make the first row well protected in the first round. In this case it should be placed in stack number 2, for highest damage increase harnessed from the formations and to protect both slot 1 & 3.
The Gale HT (Red)
This HT can be unlocked from the into the unknown event. By completing the main stages its four main parts will be offered. The remaining 5 parts are obtained from HT chests.
Gale is an offensive HT that has the ability to strengthen a well defensive marches. It has abilities that provide high power and adds invulnerability towards the disable effect of pulse Jammal hammer. The three attacks of Gale along with a good setup might guarantee to destroy a whole stack or even kill an HT. The marches where it can be useful are those with overall strong defense in which is usually found in Navy marches. Yet a the current meta army march or even Springfield march would also be good choice. It is recommended to protect Gale and not to be placed in first row as it’s defense is rather weak compared to the other HTs.
There is no limit in its placement either of the 4-9 slots work fine. However, in order to also put the formations into account it would be best to place it in 8th stack for the highest damage increase, stack 5 would also be a good choice. Stacks 7 & 9 are preferred over 4 & 6. Determining which stack to place Gale would be directly linked to the heroes with their abilities and exclusives levels. An army march that has Polik wouldn’t be wise to use Gale with it, it’s offensive skills make it vulnerable to strong attacks and even regular attacks, which might cause it to get destroyed in earlier rounds if placed in first row.
Tide Crusher BW-3 HT (Blue)
This HT can be unlocked from the HT Module Research event. The remaining 5 parts are obtained from HT chests.
Tide Crusher BW-3 is a well balanced heavy trooper with both damage increase and decrease abilities. It’s ability of switching from defense to attack and visa versa makes it well balanced. This HT also provides damage related buffs to other units in the march if placed correctly and all its perks unlocked. The target march where the Tide Crusher can be used is a well balanced march. However, its Aqua Smash perk that provides ATK Debuff ability makes it best suited for navy marches. The navy marches in general are balanced between strong defense and offense, also you can always find an ATK debuff based ability in at least one of the Navy heroes, like Crimson, Nereid, Seaspray etc.
The placement of the Tide Crusher in a march is best in the first row, and in a stack which has stacks behind it with the main type units. Best is placed in stack 2 for maximum damage increase harnessed from formations and to give stack 5 & 8 more damage (increase and decrease), these two stacks have also either shark or scorpion buffs. However, some would prefer to place it on stack 3 for more protection from opponent’s HTs that usually target either stack 1 or 2, but in this case stack 6 & 9 should be main type units. Regardless of all the facts, the placement will still be directly linked to player’s own use of heroes and their skills levels.
Doom Sawblade D-4 HT (Purple/Gray)
This HT can be unlocked from the HT Module Research event. The remaining 5 parts are obtained from HT chests same as the Tide Crusher HT. Every player has the option to either unlock the Tide Crusher HT first or Doom Sawblade, the only condition for both is that both Gale and Earthshaker HTs are activated.
Doom Sawblade is a a very skilled defensive heavy trooper with an outstanding base defense performance. It’s ability that grants the march extra HP along with additional HP boost when defending makes this HT very tough to beat. This HT is also immune to critical hits which is considered one of the highest source of damage in the battle. The target march where the Doom Sawblade can be used is a powerful march that is generally the main type force a player has. However, its Hovering shield ability that grants it heavy armor along with EMP blast which allows it to add magnetic pulse to enemy units, makes it more suitable to either Navy or Army marches. Even though both Army and Navy marches can benefit from this HT, the fact that it provides magnetic pulse effect which is an abnormal effect is of a huge benefit to Navy due to Crimson’s skill especially that it doesn’t exist in any of the navy heroes skills.
The placement of the Doom Sawblade in a march is actually flexible and can be used almost in all stacks. However, when considering the formations it would be best to place it in first row to make that row survives more with the extra HP gained by it. In addition, most meta heroes provide no restrictions for their trigger, thus it would be a wise choice to go for first row and mostly second stack (depending on ATK speed of HT). Regardless of all the facts, the placement will still be directly linked to player’s own use of heroes and their skills levels.
Luminary Knight LP-4 (White)
This HT can be unlocked from the HT Module Research event similar to both the Tide Crusher and Doom Sawblade heavy troopers. And as the general rule for HT module research event, unlocking the HT requires 4 modules before being able to use in battle. The remaining 5 parts are obtainable from HT or module parts chests.
Luminary Knight LP-4 can be categorized as an attacking HT. Luminary’s initial skills of attacking (4 attacks + 1 Drift Pursuit) are pretty much fascinating as a starting point. The 5 attacks aren’t meant to cause significant damage though, instead they are designed to inflict less damage to more units, hence weakening more units. When Luminary obtains all modules and unlocks all skills, the total number of attacks will increase to 9 (4 attacks + 2 Drift Pursuit + 3 Final Pursuit), thus means even more damage caused to more stacks with every HT attack. Although Luminary seems to loose power overtime due to the Phantom Flash skill, it makes the HT a fast attacker and concentrate on damage in initial 4 rounds. The Phantom Flash we can say is what keeps this HT away from being an overpowered HT and balance its strength with previous HTs.
One cool thing about Luminary Knight LP-4 is that its skills act like combination of heroes’ skills. The Pursuit added by its Instant Charge skill is considered like a tax issued to the 4 targeted units in which being collected via Drift and Final Pursuit skills. The Drift and Final Pursuit skills which fire up to 5 light missiles can target the 4 stacks under Pursuit effect which leads to causing more damage. The tax issuer-collector combo is usually only seen when two heroes are paired each having one type, but this HT has both. In addition to Pursuit, Luminary can also act as an issuer for ignition effect which is generally an Air Force special effect. This means the best suited march for this heavy trooper is in Air Force march especially marches that have Abad. Finally, the cool down of this HT being dropped down to 6 minutes cannot be neglected especially when playing short term events like SVS and Titan Canyon, as this will offer strength in more battles as it will be revived much faster than other HTs.
The placement of the Luminary Knight in a march is best in the second row at 5th stack specifically. This is to protect it from regular damage and provide higher durability. I would have suggested to be placed at 8th stack in third row, but against Duke it will no longer be safe at all. Second best place is stack 2 for damage increase and decrease harnessed from formations. These two stacks have also either Shark, Scorpion or Eagle buffs. However, some would prefer to place it on stack 3 for more protection from opponent’s HTs that usually target either stack 1 or 2. Regardless of all the facts, the placement will still be directly linked to player’s own use of heroes and their skills levels.
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