Top War: Battle Game – HT Chips Explanation Guide

Quick Guide to HT (Heavy Trooper) Chips

Up to now we have 6 different types of chipsets for the HT. Each type provides some unique abilities and some common ones. We usually tend to go with the chipsets that provide best common abilities because of the limited options. However, it would be also wise to consider cases where multiple ones are available with similar common abilities, in which the unique abilities will be the key to determine which one to go with.


Hoplon is the only defensive set of the six available , it is a good choice to strengthen the defense of your marches in case they are unbalanced. Even if they are balanced choosing Hoplon would still be wise. The main thing to consider is to place the HT at the first row if used in order to gain its full potential, because the HT using this type of chipsets will gain an extra 15% basic HP over the initial 15% provided if placed in first row. The reason it is the only defensive chipset is because it is the only one providing up to 100% HP to all units if slots 1-6 are Hoplon.


Xyston is a strong offensive set, its damage related to the HP of the opponent makes it a very good fit to middle strength players. It is believed to be the strongest of the six for the average players as no sustainability is needed to have the full potential of it. It is wise to use this type with HT that are directly linked to some strong triggers of heroes like Maximo. The reason is that if the opponent units have more than 60% of their HP then the HT will gain an extra 30% DMG increase which will also increase the damage of the hero trigger. It is optimal to use it with heroes that are guaranteed to be triggered at the slot where the HT is placed at, or at least almost guaranteed to trigger, like Maximo, Rei and Akatora.


Shamshir is a set that is related to the sustainability of the march. This is because the damage of the HT using it increases for how long the HT survives in battle. It is fit for whales to extract its full potential. Thus we can call it the set fit to a king. If used correctly then the HT damage will incrementally increase on each round by a value of 8% and up to 6 rounds, leading to a total of 48% damage increase after the sixth round and until the HT is destroyed.

Rondel Dagger

Dagger set has the ability to boost regular attacks damage more by a value of 90%. This set ability makes it fit to army type marches more than others. Army is the only force type focused on single unit attacks with highest strength. The regular single damage compared to others is the highest. Adding more strength to, it would mean demolishing the stack completely with a regular attack. The ability trigger is 40% which is rather high, and it jumps directly to 100% when the regular attack is registered as critical. This means that players that have high statistics of Crit rate will benefit most from this chipset.

Scramsax Blade

Scramsax is a chipset that is only useful for Air Force marches . The fact that HT can inflict 35% more damage is rather attractive, but the condition of it that the targeted unit should be under the ignite effect is what makes it limited to Air Force. Up to now only Air Force heroes have the ignite effect except for very few and rare old non Air Force heroes released in the past, like 914.

Estoc Piercing Sword

Estoc is the only chipset of the six that does not boost the HT itself but rather debuffs opponent’s units when attacking the HT. The ATK debuff that this chipset inflicts makes it best suited for Navy marches rather others. This is because a lot of navy heroes’ triggers damage increases when the targeted unit is under the ATK debuff. When utilized with the right heroes and correct setup, it would only mean that the march damage is buffed as well as opponents units is debuffed. For maximizing its effectiveness, HT equipped with Estoc should be used in first row to constantly receive regular attacks, however the march defense should be good enough for the HT to survive.

Sasanian’s Chain

Sasanian is the second defensive chip like Hoplon in its main ability. Its HP increase for the heavy trooper alongside the stack increase of Resistance/Heavy armor/Light armor is something that cannot be ignored. It basically provides a solid defense for the HT that is using it whenever any of the above mentioned effects are active. Basically the stack of any of them will be increased by 2 which is really a great deal. From the other side, the all units HP provided by it similar to Hoplon is good for the march when the overall ATK is higher than the HP. Since the Resistance, Heavy armor and Light armor effects are only provided by Army and Navy marches, it would be useful only for either of the two types not the Air Force. To be specific Polik and Ben are the two examples of heroes that can provide Resistance, while Crimson, Kotiya and Stromoy provide Heavy armor, Maplelyn is the only hero for now that offers Light armor.

On the other hand, the Earthshaker provides resistance to itself and the two units on left and right, this means that the resistance stack count for the heavy trooper is increased by 2. Thus, if you are using Navy, it would be a great addition to your march to use Earthshaker and Sasanian’s Chain as combination which will significantly improve your HT defense. On the other hand, if you are using Polik with exclusive 7 then it would also be of a great addition to your army.

Kris Sword

Kris Sword is the most recently released attacking chipset. It has all units ATK like most of the previously released chipsets. Kris Sword is a chipset that relies upon the regular attacks of the heavy troopers in order to increase its damage. The way it works is that it increases all types of damages done by the HT using it, and with an amount of 8% after each regular attack performed. Yet of course there is an upper limit which is 32%. This means that HT damage at normal circumstances will reach the upper limit of 32% within 4 rounds at latest. The gain speed of damage can be significantly increased to reach the upper limit within 1 turn. This can happens when Kris Sword is equipped to the Luminary knight LP-4 heavy trooper. The Luminary Knight performs 4 regular attacks every round alongside 5 light missiles from its Drift and Final Pursuit skills. Thus, this means that the damage will reach to its peak in the first turn.

On the other hand, one might think that Combo attacks based heroes like Barbie and Kai will also make the damage increase since the combo attacks are technically regular attacks. Unfortunately, it is stated that Combo attack specifically doesn’t work on Kris Sword ability. One more limitation to Kris Sword is that disarm and stun abilities will delay the gaining of the damage as they stop regular attacks. But this is nothing to worry about as it won’t affect it by much and will still gain damage next rounds.

The Kris Sword chipset is a perfect match to the Luminary Knight HT. And since Luminary Knight is best matched for Air Force, this means Kris Sword is mostly useful to Air Force marches as well. Although its maximum damage might be less than other chipsets, the instant reach of maximum damage capability is what makes Kris Sword stand out.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 523 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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