Enigma Realm Guide
Beginning Stage
- Players are to form a group of 5 players who will make a team. You can do it with less, but it’s not recommended.
- Each player can send 3 marches of units to the team so in total you will have 15 marches in a team.
- The teamed form must then wait until the Realm is open to enter. You will then receive a countdown for entering.
Do’s & Don’ts
- Be online for duration of the match.
- Send your 3 strongest marches. (You do not lose physical troops) For each player or march absent 3 losses will be applied per battle.
- Talk with your team.
- Join a team and not send troops.
- Join a team and send troops then log off.
Entering the Enigma Realm
Capture as a team as many enigma beast as you can by “petting” the beast until it’s like metre is full.
Squad Leaders will send your team to a beast to capture and you must work as a team to fill it’s like meter as fast possible. To get a faster way of gaining like points there will be a joystick on the left. Complete the instructions of direction hinted by the joypad (either ⬆️or⬇️) to gain excellent petting for a certain time.
Enigma Well
You have plenty of time to capture as many enigma Beasts.
Every once in while you should visiting the Enigma Wells to gather items to spend in the store and to also heal and protect your units and Beasts to keep fighting.
The Main Feature
The Enigma Boss (Igninferno)
Here you have to fight the boss (click couple of times) to get some good rewards. Be sure to continue until it says “Battle has ended”. Once he is dead you can continue to collect Beasts on the map and then you can select Beasts to take back home with you.
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