Top War: Battle Game – Quick Guide to HT Chips Common Attributes

HT (Heavy Trooper) Chips Common Attributes Guide

Even though the chips characteristics differ and some chips are stronger than others, we basically can’t afford to be picky with which we choose.

The randomness that the HT system provides usually forces us to go with a relatively weak chipset type due to its great stats. The aim should be to build 3 complete different sets of the six one for each HT.

Slots 1-3

Slots 1-3 offer attributes only for the heavy trooper itself. There are priority where we choose the best chips, the priorities are listed below from top to bottom. It is strongly recommended to avoid leveling up the chips until a good chip (that has best attributes) is acquired.

  1. ATK SPD
  2. Shield and DEF of HT
  3. DMG increase/Decrease of HT and INV
  4. ATK/HP
  5. Elemental enhance

Slots 4-6

Slots 4-6 are units based attributes specific. They offer attributes either for only one type of units or for all types. Of course all type attributes are the best, but some specific attributes can be considered better at certain cases. The attributes are listed from best to worst accordingly:

  1. DEF of all units
  2. DEF of the specific type ( same of the march)
  3. DMG increase/decrease of all units
  4. DMG increase/decrease of the specific unit type ( same of the march)
  5. ATK/HP of all units
  6. ATK/HP of the specific unit type ( same of the march)
  7. Elemental enhance.. etc


Whichever has all units DEF or specific unit type DEF has the absolute priority. Then goes the DMG and the rest.

We aim to choose centers that gives buff to the whole march not only the HT. Of course if the value of the DEF is not higher compared to 1/2.5 of the DMG then the priority will be swapped.

Finally, all 6 slots types are important to be matching the center’s type to gain the maximum value. Even though the priorities of the slots’ stats are as listed above, we might sometimes prioritize a secondary stat over main due to its value. For example, if we had a DMG decrease of 15% chip or 3% DEF, then DMG would be prioritized due to its final input to the total damage taken reduced.

This is just an example and might vary from a player to another, some would have more benefit of even 1% DEF than 10% DMG. This is a guideline for you to consider and adjust your stats according your own stats.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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