Top War: Battle Game – Quick Guide to Titans Gears Special Effects

Titans Gears Special Effects Guide

Aside from the base and random attributes some very rare legendary gears can develop special effects attributes. Each special effect has a unique ability which can enhance either the heroes’ basic abilities or the units strengths used in the march. Some titans gears offers common special effects and some offers unique ones. We will discuss each special effect individually and the gears that can develop it will be listed.

Artillery Storm

This special effect is only available for the Assault Pistol gear. It’s ability is to enhance the heroes’ abilities that have ATK increase in their basic abilities. This gear is best suited for enhancer heroes like, Stromoy, Gipsy and Brady. The fact that 30% hero ATK increase can be added to such heroes makes it very special and strong.

All-Out Surge

This special effect is only available for the Assault Pistol gear. It has the ability to double the trigger number of the equipped hero in first round. The second trigger will have half the strength. Even though the additional trigger is reduced to half of its strength, when equipped to very strong heroes with high trigger rate its effect will be catastrophic. Heroes that can harness its full potential are: Gipsy, Crimson and even Maximo.

Steel Torrent

This special effect is only available for the Tactical Backarmor gear. It’s ability is to enhance the heroes’ abilities that have HP enhancement of any type in their basic abilities. This gear is best suited for defensive heroes like, Crimson, Barbie and Brynhildr. The fact that 30% hero HP increase can be added to such heroes makes it very strong defensive effect.


This special effect is one of a kind and considerably the best along with the All-Out Surge special effect. The fact that it provides heroes with indestructible abilities an extra round of their indestructible to last, is by itself considered a game changer. Heroes like, Shinji, Layla and Stryker can harness its potential to the best. Even old heroes like Yuu, Erinyes and Optimus when equipped with a gear with this special effect will have a chance to get to the level of the recent indestructible heroes. Only Tactical Backarmor offers this effect.

Tactical Awareness

This special effect is available in three different rarities, Gold, Purple and Blue. The higher the rarity the double the strength it has. This effect offers all units damage increase with a value of 10% for the blue rarity, 20% for the purple and 40% for the gold. The tactical awareness is obtainable by either of the three offensive gears for the rarities purple and blue. Except for the Assault Pistol gear the other two offensive gears offer the gold rarity. It can be used for any hero.

Stealth Hologram

This special effect is available in three different rarities, Gold, Purple and Blue. The higher the rarity the double the strength it has. This effect offers all units damage decrease with a value of 10% for the blue rarity, 20% for the purple and 40% for the gold. The Stealth Hologram is obtainable by either of the three defensive gears for the rarities purple and blue. Except for the Tactical Backarmor gear the other two defensive gears offer the gold rarity. It can be used for any hero.


This special effect is available in two different rarities, Purple and Blue. The higher the rarity the double the strength it has. This effect adds one stack of ignition effect to two random targets after a hero with an active skill is triggered. The Searing is obtainable by either of the three offensive gears. The blue rarity offers 15% ignite effect, while purple offers 30%. This effect is best suited for Air Force heroes to maximize efficiency.


This special effect is available in two different rarities, Purple and Blue. The higher the rarity the double the strength it has. This effect adds one stack of Vulnerable effect to two random targets after a hero with an active skill is triggered. The Armor-Breaking is obtainable by either of the three offensive gears. The blue rarity offers 15% vulnerable effect, while purple offers 30%. This effect is best suited for marches that includes heroes which can increase their damage when attacking units under abnormal stats, like Crimson.


This special effect is available in two different rarities, Purple and Blue. The higher the rarity the double the strength it has. This effect adds one stack of Debilitation effect to two random targets after a hero with an active skill is triggered. The impact is obtainable by either of the three offensive gears. The blue rarity offers 15% Debilitation effect, while purple offers 30%. This effect is best suited for marches that includes heroes which can increase their damage when attacking units under abnormal stats, like Crimson.

Magnetic Field

This special effect is available in two different rarities, Purple and Blue. The higher the rarity the double the strength it has. This effect adds one stack of Magnetic Pulse effect to two random targets after a hero with an active skill is triggered. The Magnetic Field is obtainable by either of the three offensive gears. The blue rarity offers 15% Magnetic Pulse effect, while purple offers 30%. This effect is best suited for marches that includes heroes which can increase their damage when attacking units under abnormal stats, like Crimson.


This special effect is available in two different rarities, Purple and Blue. The higher the rarity the double the strength it has. This effect enhances the strength of the ignite effect of heroes with this ability. The Flammable is obtainable by either of the three defensive gears. The blue rarity offers 15% ignition enhancement, while purple offers 30%. This effect is best suited for Air Force marches since most of its heroes already have the ignite effect.

Heavy Blow

This special effect is available in two different rarities, Purple and Blue. The higher the rarity the double the strength it has. This effect enhances the strength of the vulnerable effect of heroes with this ability. The Heavy Blow is obtainable by either of the three defensive gears. The blue rarity offers 15% vulnerable effect enhancement, while purple offers 30%. This effect is limited to the heroes that have this ability and there is no common rule for it like the ignite effect.


This special effect is available in two different rarities, Purple and Blue. The higher the rarity the double the strength it has. This effect enhances the strength of the debilitation effect of heroes with this ability. The Debilitate is obtainable by either of the three defensive gears. The blue rarity offers 15% debilitation effect enhancement, while purple offers 30%. This effect is limited to the heroes that have this ability and there is no common rule for it like the ignite effect.


This special effect is available in two different rarities, Purple and Blue. The higher the rarity the double the strength it has. This effect enhances the strength of the magnetic pulse effect of heroes with this ability. The Magnetize is obtainable by either of the three defensive gears. The blue rarity offers 15% magnetic pulse effect enhancement, while purple offers 30%. This effect is limited to the heroes that have this ability and there is no common rule for it like the ignite effect.

Finally, in order to craft a gear you will need to use two materials. Each gear requires different materials and some of them are rare while the others are basic. The Catalyst is optionally used to increase the chance of getting higher rarity items. Except for the gold Catalyst there is no 100% guarantee to get a legendary rarity gear. Without using catalysts there will be a chance to obtain a legendary gear, but it would be a slim chance when compared to when using catalysts.

After crafting a gear, there will be the option to boost that gear which will help to increase the percentage of its base and random attributes and up to level 20. If there is a room to obtain another random attribute then it will offer the chance to obtain it. One thing to note is that boosting a gear will cost you to use other gears.

Exclusively to legendary rarity gears there is an additional option called refine. The refine will offer you a big boost of common attributes between the both gears used or adds/replaces an attribute from the used gear to the refined one. After refining a gear you will have the option to keep the changes or discard them, either way the gear used for refining will be lost.

Note: Special effects are until now only obtainable by crafting a gear and there is no record yet if refining or boosting a legendary gear would develop a special effect.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 523 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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