Tips to Use Spikes
Spikes are great for dealing with enemies in corners or U-bends. Place them near your towers so the enemies’ armor gets taken off before they reach the spikes.
If you have 6-8 spikes near the start, they can easily handle the crabs, allowing your heavier towers to focus on the big, tanky guys and flying enemies.
Fully upgraded spikes in corners or bends can guarantee kills on mushrooms. Place them closer to the enemy spawn to take out groups of enemies.
This allows your slower, harder-hitting towers to deal with the tougher enemies more effectively. You can also place a couple of spikes closer to the factory in case of leaks.
However, spikes don’t contribute much damage towards killing crabs or stronger enemies. They’re primarily there to take out the mushrooms, and they’re really good at it.
Spikes aren’t the highest priority for early placement, but they’re strongest when placed at the very front, beyond the range of your other towers.
It’s just that it’s not meta. Catapults are overall better.
There’s two ways to play the game:
- Go for the win as quickly as possible.
- Get to the highest wave you can.
For the first option, I like to use no more than 4. For the second, nothing changes as there are still mushrooms and crabs running around.
However big guys are now much more common. Catapults and power crystals + like 10 ballistas (for flying boys).
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