Client Network: Known Issues and How to Fix Them
Determine the scope of the issue by testing other servers (especially studio run servers) to see if the problem is happening to all servers, or just a subset.
Check the connection method you are using to the server. Direct IP connection should always be more performant.
Go to the following website and run a speed test:
Under the DOWNLOAD Mbps result, you should see Ping ms and 3 values, the first is yellow (Idle latency) the next is blue (Download latency) and the last is purple (upload latency) these should all be lower than 20 for an ideal internet connection.
If this is higher than this, you should reboot your local network devices (router/firewalls etc) and see if you get a better result. If not, you may want to engage your Internet Provider to see if this is expected.
If you have access to admin on the server, you can try running:
ToggleDebugViewCategory Network
This should give you the following metrics:
- S kB/s S/R: Sent kilobytes per second (S) and Received kilobytes per second (R) for the server.
- C kB/s S/R: Sent kilobytes per second (S) and Received kilobytes per second (R) for the client.
- Ms: Milliseconds, likely indicating the ping or latency time for server and client.
- P/s: Packets per second, showing the number of packets sent and received per second for both server and client.
- Client Users: The number of users currently connected to the client.
- Networked Entities: The number of entities (players, NPCs, objects) currently being networked.
- Latency: The latency time in milliseconds.
- Server FPS: Frames per second being processed by the server.
- FPS: Frames per second being processed by the client.
As a troubleshooting step, you can try to use SteamP2P to see if your connection is more stable, if so, this may indicate a problem with your ISP peering (Which you cannot control).
Troubleshooting a Server That Is Not Showing up within the in Game Server List
- Ensure that you can direct connect to the server using the IP and Port.
- Ensure that your game and query ports are forwarded correctly.
- Check:
- This will check for ListOnSteam being set to true. (There is no reason to set ListOnEOS to true at this time.)
- Ensure that you are actually waiting for the client to load the complete server list. (At the bottom of the server list, you will see Refresh NOT Stop Refresh to the left of Join Game the list should be somewhere in the range of 17,000 at the time of this writing.
- Validate that it’s showing up in the Steam server list (Steam -> View -> Game Servers -> V Rising)
- As a troubleshooting step, trying toggling ANY filter in the in game server browser (IE: toggle the Merciless Setting from Show to Show Only) you should observe that once the refresh completes (You will not see Stop Refresh) the total Servers value (Servers: N (Y total)) at the bottom is incrementing. Keep toggling filters (and waiting for the refresh to complete) until the total server value does not increase.
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