Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks – Beginners Guide

Guide for New Players


Speed Freeks is a fun multiplayer vehicle-based shooter with a focus on objective capture and krumping da most gitz.

Deff Rally – Whats This?

Deff Rally is a gamemode where you are divided into two teams, blue (da good guys) and red (da baddies). Your goal is to race to objective points along the map, capturing and holding them before moving onto the next in order to earn points. Whoever’s holding the point gets x1.5 more points per kill, so cap dat bloody point ya git! At the end of the match, you must race to the finish line. Passing the finish line nets you extra points, and can turn a losing match into a winning one if enough of your team get over the line before the other.

Currently, Deff Rally has 4 maps available:

  1. Rokkit Depot
  2. Rok
  3. Mountain
  4. Volcano

The names of each map are accurate to what you’d expect. Each map follows the above format. Some maps, like Volcano, also have environmental factors to look out for during battle. A poor grot accidentally (under duress) drove his tank (which had the breaks cut) into the lava (with help from a wartrike smacking him), and the git got KRUMPED by it, so watch out!


You have access to a grand total of 7 vehicles to try out.

  1. Boomdakka Snazzwagon
  2. Deffkilla Wartrike
  3. Grot Mega Tank
  4. Kustom Boosta Blasta
  5. Looted Wagon
  6. Rukkatrukk Squigbuddy
  7. Shokkjump Dragsta

Each vehicle has its own unique abilities, which I will detail in the next message of this guide as I’m reaching the character limit.

What Do They Do?!

Good question! Each vehicle has a fairly special playstyle tailored to a specific kind of play. Like going right up in the enemy’s face with a shotgun and a grappling hook? Then you’d like the Deffkilla Wartrike. Prefer to stay near the back healing your teammates with launched squigs and helping boost their boosters? Then the Rukkatrukk Squigbuddy is right up your street. I’ll list each of them off and give a very comprehensive explanation on how to use them all.

Boomdakka Snazzwagon

  • Primary (Left Click): Dakka Button.
  • Secondary (Right Click): Fire Bomb (Sets enemies on fire, dealing damage on impact and with afterburn).
  • Equipment (E): Smoke Cloud (Hides you and teammates from the enemies).
  • Utility (F): Boost (Launches you in the direction you are facing, not your vehicle. This utility is shared with most vehicles, except for the Grot Mega Tank and the Looted Wagon).

Good at medium to close range, best advice is to try to keep your enemies ahead of you (as your Dakka Gun can’t fire behind you) and do circles around your enemies. Smoke when you can and bomb with reckless abandon.

Deffkilla Wartrike

  • Primary (Left Click): Boomstikkz (Two shotguns on the sides of your vehicle pointing forward. Limited movement available).
  • Secondary (Right Click): Snagga Klaw (A big claw that deals heavy damage to vehicles right in front of you).
  • Equipment (E): Grappling Hook (Use this on enemies to pull yourself closer. Be warned, enemies can escape the grappling hook with good maneuvering!).
  • Utility (F): Boost

An assassin weave-and-dive type vehicle that relies on speed and the grappling hook to get close. When close it can deal nasty damage with its boomstikkz and snagga klaw, so if you see one keep your distance and use more DAKKA!

Grot Mega Tank

  • Primary (Left Click): Even more Dakka (Array of cannons that fire outwards. Most effective when broadsiding (aka facing the enemy on your side) them)!
  • Secondary (Right Click): Smasha Plow (Raises a blow on the front of the mega tank up, pushing enemies way. Releasing right click drops it on any unsuspecting git underneath, dealing heavy damage).
  • Equipment (E): Rokkit Launcher (Fires a slow-moving, high-damage rocket at the enemy).
  • Utility (F): Grot Repair Team (Repairs 33%~ of your max HP).

A good support tank, with high health and power behind it (although not much speed). Best strategy is to come in with the side facing the enemy, and to unleash your almighty dakka upon them. Get low-health targets with your rokkitz, and slam any sneaky gitz with your smasha plow if they get close.

Kustom Boosta Blasta

  • Primary (Left Click): Rivet Kannon (Fires solid-damaging rivets at the enemy. Not fast, but compensates with damage).
  • Secondary (Right Click): Stikkbomb (A grenade that bounces a bit before exploding. Sticks to and damages vehicles, and can throw them off-course).
  • Equipment (E): Burna Exhaust (Release your exhausts and be thrown upwards. The longer you hold the button, the higher you go).
  • Utility (F): Boost.

Great at krumping any kamping gitz through using your stikkbombz to reach anyone far away, and your burna exhaust to go meet them face-to-face. Not as much dakka as others, but nonetheless can do great damage with ECKZPLOSHUNS!

Looted Wagon

  • Primary (Left Click): Kannon (Shoots explosive shells at the enemy. Needs time between each shot).
  • Secondary (Right Click): Big Shootas (Fires three guns mounted to the front and sides towards enemies. Good dakka, if you can keep the enemy infront of you).
  • Equipment (E): Grot Bomm (Fire a grot-controlled missile towards the enemy, that you control with your mouse. Your POV becomes that of the grot, so shoot somewhere safe ya git!).

Good health and decent damage dealer. Your standard tank.

Rukkatrukk Squigbuddy

  • Primary (Left Click): Squig Launchas (Fires boom squigs towards the enemies, which bounce off the ground. Aim forward to launch even more squigs).
  • Secondary (Right Click): Grub Squig (Launch squigs towards allies to heal them).
  • Equipment (E): Grubs Up! (Aim at a teammate and press to fill their WAAAGH! bar halfway).
  • Utility (F): Boost.

The only healing trukk. Very useful for keeping allies alive and speedy. Best to stick close to your fellow gitz with this one, so you can heal effectively and keep them fast.

Shokkjump Dragsta

  • Primary (Left Click): Shokk Rifle (Rifle that shoots out a big electric bolt. Only effective when firing directly ahead or within 90 degrees to the left).
  • Secondary (Right Click): Rokkit Launcher (Fires a volley of rockets that fly towards a targeted vehicle).
  • Equipment (E): Warp Speed (You make yourself and nearby allies go faster).
  • Utility (F): Boost.

A competent sniper, working well from a distance with the means to defend when enemies get close. Also very effective at capturing points, through being able to make others go faster. If you’re up-close, make sure the enemy stays to your left to be the most effective.

For all of the vehicles, hold down Shift to use your fuel bar to go faster. The fuel bar recharges fairly quickly, so don’t just hold the button down ya git!

How to WAAGH!?

Press 1 twice. For other callouts, you can select between 1, 2, and 3, and then the respective numbers in the list from there.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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