Bunny Hop / B-Hop Guide
- Dodge BEFORE you hit the ground (dodge especially early when playing niss).
- Jump AFTER you hit the ground – make sure you’re actually touching the ground when you input jump.
- Landing from a mid-air dodge cancels the rest of the dodge.
This does not happen with survivalists wielding twin strikers; this combination cannot bunny hop
- You can jump as soon as you land.
The velocity of the landing-cancelled part of the dodge – as well as other sources of velocity – remains high for a few hundred milliseconds after landing, but rapidly depeletes when in contact with the ground.
This velocity is what you’re aiming to preserve by spending as little time touching the ground as possible. This also means you can even bunny hop off of the left-over velocity from a previous bunny hop without having to dodge again.
- Different parts of different dodges have different velocities.
Because of this, wingrave bunny hops will be significantly lower velocity than silo or niss bunny hops.
- Holding jump makes you jump higher (only for ground jumps – air jumps don’t have this property).
Useful for getting more airtime – and thereby distance – per stamina.
- Switching wayfinders fully restores stamina.
Useful for practicing.
Be airborne, close to the ground. Dodge before you land, aiming for the highest velocity part of the dodge to be the part that is landing-cancelled.
- Press dodge some time before you hit the ground.
- Wingrave can dodge very close to the ground.
- Silo can dodge quite close to the ground.
- Niss needs to dodge much earlier.
- Niss dodging only 84 ms before she hits the ground is too late – the start-up of her dodge has extremely low (or no) velocity.
- Niss dodging 130 ms before she hits the ground is fine.
Jump while you are in the high-velocity state from a landing-cancelled dodge.
Spamming jump to make sure you jump as soon as you hit the ground helps with this as it is difficult to tell when you are actually on the ground.
When starting out, many times you will input jump too early, while your dodge is still airborne – in such cases, spamming jump inputs when you are near the ground will band-aid fix bad input timing.
The trade-off: spamming jump will make you air jump immediately after your ground jump, which prevents you from holding jump to maximise your ground jump height (and thereby losing you a significant amount of distance).
However, as mentioned previously, your velocity remains high for a few hundred ms after you hit the ground – you have this amount of time to input a jump after landing, plus you generally need to wait for your dodge to hit the ground anyway since you dodge slightly before you hit the ground.
So, if you don’t want to spam jump for airtime/distance or rsi reasons, inputs will look something like this:
- Be airborne, close to the ground.
- Press dodge 100 ms before you hit the ground.
- Press (and hold) jump 50-100 ms after you hit the ground to make sure you’re actually on the ground so your jump input actually does something instead of nothing.
- Air jump (or don’t) afterward as desired.
- Dodge (or don’t) as needed to regain speed or change direction.
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