I was doing some testing regarding damage calculation…
Damage Calculation
By arkkus
From some preliminary tests, it looks like all multipliers are additive with each other into one cumulative multiplier that your base damage is multiplied by, this includes:
- Crit DMG% which is effective on critical hits
- DMG% from upgrades found in stages
- Backstab DMG% bonus (not available on all weapons), which seems to be 25%
- Alterattack DMG% which takes the value of the weapon being swapped out
The (speculative) damage formula can be expressed as:
Base DMG * MV * (1 + Crit DMG% + DMG% + Backstab DMG% + Alterattack DMG%)
- Base DMG is some value assigned to each weapon/trinket that scales up with level
- MV is the “motion value” or % multiplier assigned to a given hit of a combo (for example, the second hit of Fish Blade has 2x the MV of the first hit meaning it does twice the damage)
- DMG% multipliers are explained above
- Multipliers only operate on their respective attacks (obviously)
Regarding Base DMG, I don’t believe it’s the DPS value displayed on the UI but rather some internal value each weapon/trinket has that grows with each level. The reason I believe this is because dividing the damage dealt per hit by the weapon’s DPS would give us very unclean MVs.
Unless the devs thought that having a 23.52941176% MV on the first hit of Beatbolt was a good idea, I highly doubt the DPS value on the screen is the true “Base DMG” of the weapon. (And yes, I know it stands for “Damage per Second,” I was just confirming via some tests).
Motion Value
It’s a common term used in a handful of games regarding damage calculation. It just has to do with how games tend to scale an ATK stat with a hit multiplier. So let’s pretend that the DPS of 80 on the Fish Knife is actually its ATK stat since it makes the calc simpler:
- The first hit deals 10 DMG -> the MV of the first hit is 10/80 = 12.5%
- The second hit deals 20 DMG -> the MV of the second hit is 20/80 = 25%
- The third (critical) hit deals 90 DMG -> if this hit did not crit, it would’ve dealt 90/150% = 60 DMG -> the MV of the third hit is 60/80 = 75%
So, the 1/2/3 hit of the Fish Knife has MVs of 12.5%/25%/75%.
The main use of the “MV” is to make it easier to scale up with weapon levels. So lets say the Lvl 2 Fish Knife has 112 ATK now (40% more than Lvl 1):
- The first hit will deal 112 * 12.5% = 14 DMG
- The second hit will deal 112 * 25% = 28 DMG
- The third (critical) hit will deal 112 * 75% * 150% = 126 DMG
The developers have presented the formula in the following form:
Hit DMG * Level Multiplier * DMG% Multipliers
Formula instead of a:
Base ATK * MV * DMG% Multipliers
System, it produces the same end result anyways.
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