WorldBox – God Simulator – How to Make Maps

Beginner’s Guide to Map Making

Step 1: Select map size

Start by choosing your map size. The largest size, Iceberg, offers the most space to work with. You can pick any size you prefer.

Step 2: Create the outline

Begin by making an outline for your map. Use the 3rd size brush on the top row for Iceberg maps. Make any shape you want, but avoid straight lines. Keep the outline curvy and uneven to look natural.

Use close ocean to create the outer edge. Then use shallow ocean inside the close ocean line. Finally, add sand inside the shallow ocean. Don’t follow the previous lines exactly. Add some areas of sand to create beaches.

Step 3: Add land

Fill in the area inside the sand with plain soil. Don’t follow the sand line exactly.

Step 4: Use the Vortex Tool

Use the Vortex Tool with the largest brush to blend the different areas together. This makes the map look more natural.

Step 5: Add forests

Use the forest soil tool with a single pixel square brush. Draw randomly across the plain soil. Then use the Vortex Tool again to blend it in.

Step 6: Create elevation changes (optional)

Use the earthquake tool to add height differences to your map. This step can be tricky, so save your progress first.

Step 7: Add islands (optional)

Adding islands isn’t always necessary, but it can improve your map. Islands make the world seem larger than just one big piece of land. To make islands, follow the same steps as before, but make them smaller. Start with the outline, just like in the earlier steps. You can add forest areas to your islands if they are big enough. This step helps create a more diverse and full-looking map.

Step 8: Make rivers and lakes

For lakes, use a small brush and tap a few times in one area. For rivers, draw lines from the ocean to lakes.

Step 9: Add biomes

Cover the land with different environmental areas. This guide uses grass as an example.

Step 10: Create beach rocks (optional)

Use the hill tool to add rocky areas on beaches.

Step 11: Improve the ocean

Draw close ocean areas in the deep ocean, then use the Vortex Tool to blend them.

Step 12: Add ores (optional)

Place stone near beach rocks for a more realistic look.

Step 13: Place plants and trees

Add plants and trees near water, in jungles, and on beaches. Move your brush quickly over the map once.

Step 14: Finish up

Your map is now complete. You can make more detailed guides for specific features if needed.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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