Wuthering Waves – The Black Shores Supply Chest Collection Guide (Error Cell)

Guide to Black Shores Chests 42-67


This fourth guide focuses on the Tethys’ Deep “Error Cell”. If you want to read the previous guide then follow this link.

Note: This guide skips simple, exposed chests and main storyline chests that you can naturally pick up. You can find them by following the marker points. We will primarily focus on harder-to-find chests, as well as battle and puzzle-related chests.

In the location images below: Green markers represent Basic Supply Chests. Blue markers represent Standard Supply Chests or Blue Tidal Heritage. Purple markers represent Advanced Supply Chests or Purple Tidal Heritage. Orange markers represent Premium Supply Chests or Gold Tidal Heritage.

Error Cell

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After obtaining the Gold Tidal Heritage 47, jump down the cliff to the northeast. You will find a Basic Supply Chest 48 on a large leaf by the river.


To access the chests 53-56, you must first complete the “Boundary of Deduction” quest.

After completing “Boundary of Deduction”, a cutscene will play, revealing the chest 53.

After collecting the chest 53, turn around to find the chest 54.

Enter the portal on the left. After passing through, turn left to find the chest 55.

Head toward the large gate to find the chest 56.


Teleport to the Resonance Beacon southeast of Error Cell, and enter the large gate shown in the image. Head down the central stairs.

The chest 57 is to the right of the stairs.

After collecting the chest, turn around and head to the upper left. The chest 58 is under the second information board.

Follow the marked path into the large gate and fly down the hole to find the chest 59.


Teleport to the Resonance Beacon southeast of Error Cell, and climb the stone wall on the right. You will find the chest 60 on top of the gate.

Continue climbing the stone wall to reach the top, where you’ll find the chest 61.


After obtaining the Gold Tidal Heritage 63, turn around and head toward the stone wall. The chest 64 is on a small stone platform.


Walk along the stone wall on the right. Once you reach the location shown in the image, jump down the marked route. You will find the chest 65 on a large leaf halfway down the cliff.


Continue walking along the stone wall on the right. You will see a pillar. Fly down the pillar and break the pile of stones at the bottom to reveal the chest 66.

That’s the complete chest collection for Tethys’ Deep (42-67).

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 475 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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