Help Rachella / Episode 4: Main Story
By Dan.
To get the Greenstowe Silver Candlestick:
- Talk to the guy at Bert’s Antiques and ask about candlesticks.
- Then you can ask the Detective in the back of the detective building about them about (Level 16 detective).
To get the Bottled Water of Delight:
- Go to the Kaynat’s Garden.
- Tell the door man you work there, tell him you lost your uniform, tell him you didn’t get it shipped he will tell you it was shipped to murkwell lane.
- Go to the servant’s house off Murkwell lane, spill his food on him, take his clothes off the floor, wash them at a sink with soap (Buy from soap merchant).
- Wear his clothes back at Kaynat’s walk to fountain and fill potion bottles with the water.
To get Leatherworkers Patch:
- Get level 10 leatherworking.
- Talk to guy next to level 20 afk leatherworking to make patches.
To get Street Hag Earing:
- Kill level 2 street hags (Found near Murkwell lane).
To get Clockwork Sheep and Beef Joint:
- Level Merchant to 6 and 8, then buy them from Henderson’s Meat and Penny’s Clockwork.
Where the fuck is rachella
Goose Inn Bar
She is the blonde in the goose inn