Ship Graveyard Simulator 2 – Dismantle Kursk and Ohio Submarines Tips

Removing Kursk Missile Tubes

To open the panels hiding missile silos, you need to go to the top of the ship. Move slowly near the middle of each panel.

You’ll find a small area for the cutting tool. Be careful not to fall. After opening the panel, cut three connections and use the crane to remove the tubes.

Start from the back because they overlap. Use a winch to take off the opened panels.

Ohio Missile Removal

Ohio has missiles in silos that can be dangerous. Some missiles are only on one side, making it easy to cut the plates and open the silos. For missiles on both sides, stand in the middle and move forward slowly between the plates. Use the cutting tool to test the plates until you can cut the farthest point.

Then cut both plates. When the silos are open, use the crane to take out the missiles.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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